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This page describes how to import and initialize Bidon Unity Plugin.


Here you can find our Bidon sample project.

Minimum Requirements:
  • Unity 2020.3.16+, 2021.3.0+, 2022.3.0+, 6000.0.23+
  • Android API level 21 (Android OS 5.0) and above
  • iOS 12.0 or higher (iOS 12.4 if you use MyTarget)
  • Xcode 15.3 or higher
  • CocoaPods 1.12.0 or higher
  • Git must be installed on your device

Import Plugin

  1. Download External Dependency Manager (.tgz one) v1.2.175 or newer from this website.

  2. Import EDM into your Unity project by adding downloaded archive via Unity Package Manager (Window -> Package Manager -> "+" -> Add package from tarball).

  3. Copy the link from below and install Bidon Unity Plugin via UPM (Window -> Package Manager -> "+" -> Add package from git URL).

Initialize SDK

Get your APP_KEY from dashboard app settings.

Add Bidon namespace to your script.

using Bidon.Mediation;

We recommend to initialize Bidon SDK on app launch in Start() method.

private void Start()

// Bidon's server can either be self-hosted or managed by a third-party service. Please contact us at [email protected] for a list of recommended managed service providers.

BidonSdk.Instance.OnInitializationFinished += (sender, args) =>
Debug.Log($"Is Initialized: {BidonSdk.Instance.IsInitialized()}");

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