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Extra Data

Bidon SDK goes beyond standard ad integration by offering the ability to pass extra data (key, value pairs) with each ad request. This feature allows you to enhance your ad targeting, analytics, and reporting capabilities, giving you greater control and flexibility over your advertising campaigns.

SDK-Level Extra Data

SDK enables you to attach SDK-level data to your ad requests. This means you can include specific information related to the SDK configuration, version, user or any other relevant details that help you monitor and optimize your SDK usage.


The value has to be one of the following types: bool, char, int, long, float, double, string.

Passing null as a value will remove existing KeyValuePair from dictionary.

BidonSdk.Instance.SetExtraData("sdk_extra_bool_key", 0.423d);

You can also read all current extras as shown below:

var extras = BidonSdk.Instance.GetExtraData();


  • Precision Targeting. By passing extra data, you can fine-tune your ad targeting strategies. For example, you can send user demographics, behavior insights, or contextual information to ensure that ads are shown to the most relevant audiences.

  • Performance Tracking. With the ability to include SDK and ad type data, you gain comprehensive visibility into the performance of your ads. This data can be invaluable for analyzing ad effectiveness and making data-driven optimizations.

  • Custom Reporting. Extra data can be used to create custom reports and dashboards, enabling you to measure the impact of your advertising efforts more accurately and make informed decisions.

  • Improved User Experience. By leveraging extra data, you can tailor the ad experience to match user preferences and behavior, ultimately enhancing user engagement and satisfaction.