This page is describes how to donwload, import and configure the Bidon SDK.
CocoaPods (Recommended)
To integrate the Bidon SDK through CocoaPods, first add the following lines to your Podfile:
# Mirror repo for Bidon SDK podspecs
# source ''
source ''
pod 'Bidon', '~> 0.4.7'
# For usage of Demand Sources uncomment following lines
# pod 'BidonAdapterAmazon'
# pod 'BidonAdapterBigoAds'
# pod 'BidonAdapterMintegral'
# pod 'BidonAdapterAppLovin'
# pod 'BidonAdapterBidMachine'
# pod 'BidonAdapterGoogleAdManager'
# pod 'BidonAdapterGoogleMobileAds'
# pod 'BidonAdapterDTExchange'
# pod 'BidonAdapterUnityAds'
# pod 'BidonAdapterMetaAudienceNetwork'
# pod 'BidonAdapterVungle'
# pod 'BidonAdapterInMobi'
Then run the following on the command line:
pod install --repo-update
Download Bidon SDK v0.4. After you download the SDK unzip it and add Bidon.xcframework into your project.
Add the following linker flag to the build settings at: Target → Build Settings → Linking → Other Linker Flags:
Download and install adapters and Ad Networks SDK.
Ad Network | Adapter | SDK Guide |
Amazon | BidonAdapterAmazon | Guide |
BigoAds | BidonAdapterBigoAds | Guide |
Mintegral | BidonAdapterMintegral | Guide |
AppLovin | BidonAdapterAppLovin | Guide |
BidMachine | BidonAdapterBidMachine | Guide |
GoogleMobileAds | BidonAdapterGoogleMobileAds | Guide |
GoogleMobileAds (Ad Manager) | BidonAdapterGoogleAdManager | Guide |
DTExchange | BidonAdapterDTExchange | Guide |
UnityAds | BidonAdapterUnityAds | Guide |
Meta | BidonAdapterMetaAudienceNetwork | Guide |
Vungle | BidonAdapterVungle | Guide |
InMobi | BidonAdapterInMobi | Guide |
Initialize the SDK
Receive your APP_KEY
in the dashboard app settings.
We highly recommend to initialize the Bidon SDK in app delegate's application:applicationDidFinishLaunching:
- Swift
- Objective-C
import Bidon
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool
// Register all available demand source adapters.
// Bidon's server can either be self-hosted or managed by a third-party service. Please contact us at [email protected] for a list of recommended managed service providers.
BidonSdk.baseURL = "https://[]"
// Configure Bidon
BidonSdk.logLevel = .debug
// Initialize
BidonSdk.initialize(appKey: "APP KEY") {
// Load any ads
#import <Bidon/Bidon-Swift.h>
@implementation AppDelegate
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
// Register all available demand source adapters.
[BDNSdk registerDefaultAdapters];
// Bidon's server can either be self-hosted or managed by a third-party service. Please contact us at [email protected] for a list of recommended managed service providers.
[BDNSdk setBaseURL:@"https://[]"];
// Configure Bidon
[BDNSdk setLogLevel:BDNLoggerLevelDebug];
// Initialize
[BDNSdk initializeWithAppKey:@"APP KEY" completion:^{
// Load any ads