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Loading an Banners

To load a banner, create a BannerView instance. Important: for a single instance of a banner, load() and show() can only be called once. Create new instance for every new banner (in case refreshing banner by timeout as well).

val banner = BannerView(
context = context,
// Auction Keys correspond to the Auction Configurations that you can create in the Bidon Admin Panel
auctionKey = "AUCTION_KEY" // optional

Set BannerListener for receiving all-related events, including loading/displaying and revenue callbacks.

banner.setBannerListener(object : BannerListener {
override fun onAdLoaded(ad: Ad, auctionInfo: AuctionInfo) {
// ready to show

override fun onAdLoadFailed(auctionInfo: AuctionInfo?, cause: BidonError) {

override fun onAdShowFailed(cause: BidonError) {

override fun onAdShown(ad: Ad) {

override fun onAdClicked(ad: Ad) {

override fun onAdExpired(ad: Ad) {

override fun onRevenuePaid(ad: Ad) {
// ad.price - ad revenue from mediation
banner.load(pricefloor) // or use DefaultMinPrice

Displaying banners

To show banner, place it to you AdContainer and invoke show()


Ad View FormatSizeDescription
Banner320 x 50Fixed size banner for phones
LeaderBoard728 x 90Fixed size banner for pads
MRec300 x 250Fixed medium rectangle banners
Adaptive-/- x 50/90Flexible width banners